February 5, 2007

Bulgaria - An introduction

Bulgaria is an upcoming tourist destination and even a place to have a second home for retirement or just vacation. There are some video clips below - check them out when you have some time.

Start with Bulgaria Travel and more on life and background of Bulgaria .

Another great site is Welcome to Bulgaria. Here you will find useful info. such as getting here, history, culture and traditions, transport, sights, accomodation and tourist information.
Travel-Bulgaria will add more to your infobank not to forget VisitBulgaria. One cannot forget the travel guides such as LonelyPlanet, etc.

More sites follow :
Peakview Bulgaria
Discover Bulgaria

To read about views/tips and hints of people who have been there try VirtualTourist.
Read the messages on the the TripAdvisor forum and also post questions should have any. You will also find country specific info. there much like other travel sites. Best to start here though for the all the info. on Bulgaria.

One great travel blogsite to definitely view is RealTravel - you will find someone somewhere has visited the place you want to visit and have written about it - hints, tips and feedback.

Of course you can use Google to search for more specific info. - see the footer on this page.
If you find anything useful let me know and I will update this section.

One property company to consider is here.