June 1, 2005

Turkey - Marmaris and Icmeler

Our Real Estate department has many commercial listings, most of which are not on the web site. We have properties for rent or sale with prices to suit every budget.

We can assist you with the purchase or rental of the property you desire and will recommend excellent solicitors, business consultants and accounts if you wish.

We will help you to set up a Turkish or Foreign Company and guide you through the maze of regulations. Once you have chosen your new business we will get the paperwork moving as quickly as possible, but this can take some time depending on the type of business you wish to set up.

As we have been through the whole process ourselves in Turkey, we have first hand experience of the pit falls, the complications and can help you avoid all problems. You can of course use your own professionals.

Marmaris and Icmeler has attracted many foreigners not only for short term visits as tourists, but also as residents. The number of people from around the world who work and live around Marmaris are increasing steadily every year. The easy and relaxing mediterranean life style, very friendly people, beautifull climate around the year, healthy food and living, affordability of real estate compared to home country, business opportunities beacuse of inefficiencies in the market and a lot of recreational activities to do are some of the factors that attracts people to this amazing corner of the mediterranean sea.

Marmaris and its surrounding area covers such a large area. When we say "live around Marmaris" we cover all of the unspoiled villages, fisherman's countryside, inland properties suitable for vineyarding, farming, etc.
So, Why then people choose to live in this particular area. As briefly mentioned above, the reasons are so many. Here are some of them explained:

Mediterranean Life StyleWho haven't heard about Mediterranean life style! Not so many people... It is publiciezed frequently that Mediterranean living is one of the best life styles you can adopt.So many books are published about it and a lot of people dream about retiring to a little town on the Mediterranean Coastline. What makes it so attractive and desirable? Actually the answer is very simple: The simplicity of daily life.

Mediterranean people are know as very relaxed people. They are very happy with little things. They eat healthy since most of the ingredients are locally produced and sold in farmers markets. People communicate, held and share instead of competing with eachother. There is always smile in faces because of very little reasons: "The weather is nice :) ", "it is sunny today :) ","My wife is beautiful :)" are just a few basic reasons to be happy. After all, remember the movie "Life is Beautiful!" produced by Italians. Life is really beautiful.

Very Friendly PeopleTurks are world famous by their hospitality. First time visitors who didn't know about this fact, always go back home with unforgettable memories and making life long friends. You need to experience to believe. Money is not that important for local Turkish people. Smiles, happy faces, warmn feelings and friendship is more important. If you ask for directions, they will not only tell you the directions, more often than not they will walk with you to your destionation to make sure you find it. If you are an unexpected guest at their homes, you will always be welcomed and offered whatever best is avalilable in the house even thouh nothing was planned. Even if that means some of the family members have to give up their share.

Beautiful Climate around the Year. A lot of Europeans complain that they don't see the sun very much in their hometowns. Northern Europe is usually very cold, and Europe in general is cloudy and rainy most of the time. That is not the case in the MEditerranean Climate. Even though Marmaris and around experiences very cold weather, is is usually short and easy to handle. Most winter months are very sunny and clear. Locals actually like winter time weather more than the summer months's weather. This clear weather combined with crystal clear mediterranean sea makes an amazing combination. Probably thats why a lot of sailors like to spend winter months in Marinas in Marmaris.

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