May 23, 2005

South African - Property investment

How would you like to join many others in an opportunity to invest in South African Property? With interest rates at historical lows (the lowest they have been in 23 years) now is the perfect opportunity to do so!

The merits of South African Residential Property investment are:

* It provides a low risk alternative to traditional asset classes like equities & bonds stable constant returns are underpinned by rental income.
* Historically real property has a low correlation with other asset classes.
* Diversification

For first-time buyers, you'll be pleased to know that the process of buying a property in South Africa is really easy.

For a complete, no hassle, one stop link to this service please contact:
Dupre Knoetze on +27 (0)82 776 3190 (M) +27 21 919 0030 (w)